input Submodule


    • Ancestors:
    • io
  • module~~input~~UsesGraph module~input input module~io io module~input->module~io module~pathlib pathlib module~io->module~pathlib ieee_arithmetic ieee_arithmetic module~io->ieee_arithmetic iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~io->iso_fortran_env module~phys_consts phys_consts module~io->module~phys_consts module~mpimod mpimod module~io->module~mpimod module~grid grid module~io->module~grid iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~io->iso_c_binding module~pathlib->iso_fortran_env module~phys_consts->iso_fortran_env module~mpimod->iso_fortran_env module~mpimod->module~phys_consts mpi mpi module~mpimod->mpi module~grid->iso_fortran_env module~grid->module~phys_consts module~grid->module~mpimod module~reader reader module~grid->module~reader module~mesh mesh module~grid->module~mesh module~reader->iso_fortran_env module~reader->module~phys_consts module~mesh->module~phys_consts

Used by

  • module~~input~~UsedByGraph module~input input module~path_exists path_exists module~path_exists->module~input module~path_exists~2 path_exists module~path_exists~2->module~input




  • module subroutine assert_directory_exists(path)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: path


subroutine check_nml_io(i, filename)

checks for EOF and gives helpful error this accomodates non-Fortran 2018 error stop with variable character


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: i
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

subroutine check_ini_io(i, filename)

checks for EOF and gives helpful error this accomodates non-Fortran 2018 error stop with variable character


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: i
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

subroutine assert_file_exists(path)

throw error if file does not exist this accomodates non-Fortran 2018 error stop with variable character


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path

Module Procedures

module procedure read_configfile module subroutine read_configfile(infile, ymd, UTsec0, tdur, dtout, activ, tcfl, Teinf, potsolve, flagperiodic, flagoutput, flagcap, indatsize, indatgrid, flagdneu, interptype, sourcemlat, sourcemlon, dtneu, dxn, drhon, dzn, sourcedir, flagprecfile, dtprec, precdir, flagE0file, dtE0, E0dir, flagglow, dtglow, dtglowout)

READS THE INPUT CONFIGURAITON FILE, ASSIGNS VARIABLES FOR FILENAMES, SIZES, ETC. READ CONFIG FILE FOR THIS SIMULATION format specifier needed, else it reads just one character PRINT SOME DIAGNOSIC INFO FROM ROOT NEUTRAL PERTURBATION INPUT INFORMATION defaults have to allocate, even when not used, to avoid runtime errors with pickier compilers

Read more…


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: infile
integer, intent(out), dimension(3):: ymd
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: UTsec0
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: tdur
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dtout
real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(3):: activ
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: tcfl
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: Teinf
integer, intent(out) :: potsolve
integer, intent(out) :: flagperiodic
integer, intent(out) :: flagoutput
integer, intent(out) :: flagcap
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable:: indatsize
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable:: indatgrid
integer, intent(out) :: flagdneu
integer, intent(out) :: interptype
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: sourcemlat
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: sourcemlon
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dtneu
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dxn
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: drhon
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dzn
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable:: sourcedir
integer, intent(out) :: flagprecfile
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dtprec
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable:: precdir
integer, intent(out) :: flagE0file
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dtE0
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable:: E0dir
integer, intent(out) :: flagglow
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dtglow
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: dtglowout