msis_driver Program


  • program~~msis_driver~~UsesGraph program~msis_driver msis_driver iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env program~msis_driver->iso_fortran_env

read in msis inputs

use binary to reduce file size and read times

Run MSIS switch to mksa units

output file use binary to reduce file size and read times

call to msis routine


program~~msis_driver~~CallsGraph program~msis_driver msis_driver proc~meters METERS program~msis_driver->proc~meters



Type AttributesNameInitial
integer, parameter:: mass =48
integer :: iyd
integer :: sec
integer :: lz
integer :: i
real(kind=sp) :: f107a
real(kind=sp) :: f107
real(kind=sp) :: ap(7)
real(kind=sp) :: stl
real(kind=sp) :: apday
real(kind=sp) :: ap3
real(kind=sp) :: d(9)
real(kind=sp) :: t(2)
real(kind=sp), allocatable:: glat(:)
real(kind=sp), allocatable:: glon(:)
real(kind=sp), allocatable:: alt(:)
character(len=256) :: buf
character(len=:), allocatable:: infile
character(len=:), allocatable:: outfile