module pathlib use, intrinsic:: iso_fortran_env, only: stderr=>error_unit implicit none private public :: mkdir, copyfile, expanduser, home, filesep_swap interface module integer function copyfile(source, dest) result(istat) character(*), intent(in) :: source, dest end function copyfile module integer function mkdir(path) result(istat) character(*), intent(in) :: path end function mkdir end interface contains function filesep_swap(path) result(swapped) !! swaps '/' to '\' for Windows systems character(*), intent(in) :: path character(len(path)) :: swapped integer :: i swapped = path do i = index(swapped, '/') if (i == 0) exit swapped(i:i) = char(92) end do end function filesep_swap function expanduser(indir) !! resolve home directory as Fortran does not understand tilde !! works for Linux, Mac, Windows, etc. character(:), allocatable :: expanduser, homedir character(*), intent(in) :: indir if (len_trim(indir) < 1 .or. indir(1:1) /= '~') then !! nothing to expand expanduser = trim(adjustl(indir)) return endif homedir = home() if (len_trim(homedir) == 0) then !! could not determine the home directory expanduser = trim(adjustl(indir)) return endif if (len_trim(indir) < 3) then !! ~ or ~/ expanduser = homedir else !! ~/... expanduser = homedir // trim(adjustl(indir(3:))) endif end function expanduser function home() !! character(:), allocatable :: home, var character(256) :: buf integer :: L, istat call get_environment_variable("HOME", buf, length=L, status=istat) if (L==0 .or. istat /= 0) then call get_environment_variable("USERPROFILE", buf, length=L, status=istat) endif if (L==0 .or. istat /= 0) then write(stderr,*) 'ERROR: could not determine home directory from env var ',var if (istat==1) write(stderr,*) 'env var ',var,' does not exist.' home = "" else home = trim(buf) // '/' endif end function home end module pathlib