readgrid_hdf5.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~readgrid_hdf5.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~readgrid_hdf5.f90 readgrid_hdf5.f90 sourcefile~read.f90 read.f90 sourcefile~readgrid_hdf5.f90->sourcefile~read.f90 sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 phys_consts.F90 sourcefile~readgrid_hdf5.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 sourcefile~grid.f90 grid.f90 sourcefile~read.f90->sourcefile~grid.f90 sourcefile~grid.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 sourcefile~mpimod.f90 mpimod.F90 sourcefile~grid.f90->sourcefile~mpimod.f90 sourcefile~mesh.f90 mesh.f90 sourcefile~grid.f90->sourcefile~mesh.f90 sourcefile~reader.f90 reader.f90 sourcefile~grid.f90->sourcefile~reader.f90 sourcefile~mpimod.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 sourcefile~mesh.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 sourcefile~reader.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90


Source Code

Source Code

submodule (grid:grid_read) readgrid_hdf5

use phys_consts, only: debug
use h5fortran, only: hdf5_file

implicit none


module procedure get_grid3

type(hdf5_file) :: hout
character(:), allocatable :: fn

if (index(path, 'simgrid.h5') /= 0) then
  fn = path
  fn = path // '/simgrid.h5'
if (debug) print '(A,/,A)', 'READ 3D (B-parallel, B-perp, B-perp) grid:', fn

call hout%initialize(fn, status='old',action='r')

!> reads common to 2D and 3D

!> 1-D variables
call hout%read('/x1', x%x1)
call hout%read('/x1i', x%x1i)
call hout%read('/dx1b', x%dx1)
call hout%read('/dx1h', x%dx1i)

if (flagswap/=1) then
  !! normal (i.e. full 3D) grid ordering, or a 2D grid with 1 element naturally in the second dimension

  call hout%read('/x2', x%x2all)
  call hout%read('/x2i', x%x2iall)
  call hout%read('/dx2b', x%dx2all)
  call hout%read('/dx2h', x%dx2iall)

  call hout%read('/x3', x%x3all)
  call hout%read('/x3i', x%x3iall)
  call hout%read('/dx3b', x%dx3all)
  call hout%read('/dx3h', x%dx3iall)

  !> 3D variables
  call hout%read('/h1', x%h1all)
  call hout%read('/h2', x%h2all)
  call hout%read('/h3', x%h3all)

  call hout%read('/h1x1i', x%h1x1iall)
  call hout%read('/h2x1i', x%h2x1iall)
  call hout%read('/h3x1i', x%h3x1iall)

  call hout%read('/h1x2i', x%h1x2iall)
  call hout%read('/h2x2i', x%h2x2iall)
  call hout%read('/h3x2i', x%h3x2iall)

  call hout%read('/h1x3i', x%h1x3iall)
  call hout%read('/h2x3i', x%h2x3iall)
  call hout%read('/h3x3i', x%h3x3iall)

  call hout%read('/gx1', g1all)
  call hout%read('/gx2', g2all)
  call hout%read('/gx3', g3all)

  call hout%read('/alt', altall)
  call hout%read('/glat', glatall)
  call hout%read('/glon', glonall)

  call hout%read('/Bmag', Bmagall)
  !! corner case: for 2d sims, Incall has degenerate dimension
  !! and HDF5 file may be a 1-D vector, which can cause glibc
  !! error "corrupted size vs. prev_size" and hard crash.
  !! Since it's just one variable, easier to check and handle
  if (lx2all==1) then
    call hout%read('/I', Incall(1,:))
  elseif (lx3all==1) then
    call hout%read('/I', Incall(:,1))
  else  !< 3d sim, so "/I" is 2D
    call hout%read('/I', Incall)
  call hout%read('/nullpts', nullptsall)

  call hout%read('/e1', e1all)
  call hout%read('/e2', e2all)
  call hout%read('/e3', e3all)

  call hout%read('/er', erall)
  call hout%read('/etheta', ethetaall)
  call hout%read('/ephi', ephiall)

  call hout%read('/r', rall)
  call hout%read('/theta', thetaall)
  call hout%read('/phi', phiall)

  !! 2D with swapped axes

  call hout%read('/x2', x%x3all)
  call hout%read('/x2i', x%x3iall)
  call hout%read('/dx2b', x%dx3all)
  call hout%read('/dx2h', x%dx3iall)
  !! for a 3D grid this is x2, but now considered x3(all)
  call hout%read('/x3', x%x2all)
  call hout%read('/x3i', x%x2iall)
  call hout%read('/dx3b', x%dx2all)
  call hout%read('/dx3h', x%dx2iall)
  !! formerly x3, now x2

  !> NOTE: workaround for Intel 2020, may not really be a bug
  !> notice this is the only one with negative indices
  !real(wp), dimension(-1:lx1+2,-1:lx3all+2,-1:lx2all+2) :: htmp
  real(wp), allocatable :: htmp(:,:,:)
  !! end workaround

  call hout%read('/h1', htmp)
  x%h1all = reshape(htmp, [lx1+4,lx2all+4,lx3all+4], order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/h2', htmp)
  !! this would be h3, but with the input structure shape
  x%h3all = reshape(htmp, [lx1+4,lx2all+4,lx3all+4], order=[1,3,2])
  !! permute the dimensions of the array 3 --> 2, 2 --> 3
  call hout%read('/h3', htmp)
  !! this would be h3, but with the input structure shape
  x%h2all = reshape(htmp, [lx1+4,lx2all+4,lx3all+4], order=[1,3,2])
  end block

  !! htmp includes degenerate dimension
  real(wp), dimension(1:lx1+1,1:lx3all, 1) :: htmp
  if(lx3all==1) error stop 'lx3 is assumed to be degenerate'
  !! input 2 vs. 3 dimensions swapped from this program
  call hout%read('/h1x1i', htmp)
  x%h1x1iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1+1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/h2x1i', htmp)
  x%h3x1iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1+1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/h3x1i', htmp)
  x%h2x1iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1+1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  end block

  !! htmp includes degenerate dimension
  real(wp), dimension(1:lx1,1:lx3all+1, 1) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/h1x2i', htmp)
  x%h1x3iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all+1],order=[1,3,2])
  !! Note also that the x2 interface from teh input file is x3i in this simulation
  call hout%read('/h2x2i', htmp)
  x%h3x3iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all+1],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/h3x2i', htmp)
  x%h2x3iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all+1],order=[1,3,2])
  end block

  real(wp), dimension(1:lx1,1:lx3all,1:lx2all+1) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/h1x3i', htmp)
  x%h1x2iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all+1,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/h2x3i', htmp)
  x%h3x2iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all+1,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/h3x3i', htmp)
  x%h2x2iall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all+1,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  end block

  !! htmp includes degenerate dimension
  real(wp), dimension(lx1, lx3all, 1) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/gx1', htmp)
  g1all = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/gx2', htmp)
  g3all = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/gx3', htmp)
  g2all = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])

  call hout%read('/alt', htmp)
  altall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/glat', htmp)
  glatall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/glon', htmp)
  glonall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])

  call hout%read('/Bmag', htmp)
  Bmagall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  end block

  !! htmp includes degenerate dimension
  real(wp), dimension(lx3all, 1) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/I', htmp)
  Incall = reshape(htmp,[lx2all,lx3all],order=[2,1])
  end block

  !! htmp includes degenerate dimension
  real(wp), dimension(lx1, lx3all, 1) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/nullpts', htmp)
  nullptsall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  end block

  real(wp), dimension(lx1,lx3all,lx2all,3) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/e1', htmp)
  e1all = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all,3],order=[1,3,2,4])

  !> swap the x2/x3 unit vectors
  call hout%read('/e2', htmp)
  e3all = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all,3],order=[1,3,2,4])
  call hout%read('/e3', htmp)
  e2all = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all,3],order=[1,3,2,4])
  call hout%read('/er', htmp)
  erall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all,3],order=[1,3,2,4])
  call hout%read('/etheta', htmp)
  ethetaall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all,3],order=[1,3,2,4])
  call hout%read('/ephi', htmp)
  ephiall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all,3],order=[1,3,2,4])
  end block

  !! htmp includes degenerate dimension
  real(wp), dimension(lx1, lx3all, 1) :: htmp
  call hout%read('/r', htmp)
  rall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/theta', htmp)
  thetaall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  call hout%read('/phi', htmp)
  phiall = reshape(htmp,[lx1,lx2all,lx3all],order=[1,3,2])
  end block

call hout%finalize()

x%rall = rall
x%thetaall = thetaall
x%phiall = phiall

end procedure get_grid3

end submodule readgrid_hdf5