test_formats.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~test_formats.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_formats.f90 test_formats.f90 sourcefile~timeutils.f90 timeutils.f90 sourcefile~test_formats.f90->sourcefile~timeutils.f90 sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 phys_consts.F90 sourcefile~test_formats.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 sourcefile~timeutils.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90


Source Code

Source Code

program test_formats
!! This tests various text output formats.
!! It necessarily requires visual inspection, or run from an enclosing program with Regex,
!! such as a Python program configured to test as desired.
use, intrinsic:: iso_fortran_env, only: stderr=>error_unit, real32, real64
use phys_consts, only: wp
use timeutils, only: dateinc, utsec2filestem

implicit none

character(:), allocatable :: fn
character (25) :: tmp
real(wp) :: UTsec, dtinc
integer :: ymd(3), i

! print *, 'Single precision lacks adequate precision for dates beyond millisecond'
! print *, utsec2filestem([2015,4,13], 12345.000003_sp)

print *, 'format: easy'
select case (wp)
  case (real32)
    tmp = '20150413_12345.678848'
  case (real64)
    tmp = '20150413_12345.678910'
end select
fn = utsec2filestem([2015,4,13], 12345.678910_wp)
if (fn /= tmp) then
  write(stderr,*) 'wrong output: '//fn
  error stop 'FAILED: easy'

print *, 'format: leading zeros'
select case (wp)
  case (real32)
    tmp = '20150413_00345.678912'
  case (real64)
    tmp = '20150413_00345.678911'
end select
fn = utsec2filestem([2015,4,13],  345.678911_wp)
if (fn /= tmp) then
  write(stderr,*) 'wrong output: '//fn
  error stop 'FAILED: leading zeros'

print *, 'format: leading & trailing zeros'
fn = utsec2filestem([2013,2,20],  60._wp)

if (fn /= '20130220_00060.000000') then
  write(stderr,*) 'wrong output: '//fn
  error stop 'FAILED: UTsec=60'

!! Increment time tests
print *, 'format: increment microsecond'
select case (wp)
  case (real32)
    tmp =  '20130220_17999.998976'
  case (real64)
    tmp =  '20130220_18000.000001'
end select
ymd = [2013,2,20]
UTsec = 18000._wp
call dateinc(1e-6_wp, ymd, UTsec)
fn = utsec2filestem(ymd, UTsec)
if (fn /= tmp) then
  write(stderr,*) 'wrong output: '//fn
  error stop 'FAILED: format increment microsecond'

print *, 'format: minute rollover'
select case (wp)
  case (real32)
    tmp =  '20130220_18059.999232'
  case (real64)
    tmp =  '20130220_18060.000001'
end select
do i = 1,60
  call dateinc(1.0_wp, ymd, UTsec)
  ! print *, utsec2filestem(ymd, UTsec)
fn = utsec2filestem(ymd, UTsec)
if (fn /= tmp) then
  write(stderr,*) 'wrong output: '//fn
  error stop 'FAILED: minute rollover'

print *, 'format: utsec==86400 corner case'
fn = utsec2filestem([2015,4,13], 86400)

if (fn /= '20150414_00000.000000') then
  write(stderr,*) 'wrong output: '//fn
  error stop 'mismatch 86400 utsec case'

end program