fang.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~fang.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~fang.f90 fang.f90 sourcefile~phys_consts.f90 phys_consts.F90 sourcefile~fang.f90->sourcefile~phys_consts.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~fang.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~fang.f90 fang.f90 sourcefile~ionization.f90 ionization.f90 sourcefile~ionization.f90->sourcefile~fang.f90 sourcefile~fang_run.f90 fang_run.f90 sourcefile~fang_run.f90->sourcefile~fang.f90 sourcefile~multifluid.f90 multifluid.f90 sourcefile~multifluid.f90->sourcefile~ionization.f90 sourcefile~test_fang.f90 test_fang.f90 sourcefile~test_fang.f90->sourcefile~fang_run.f90 sourcefile~glow_run.f90 glow_run.F90 sourcefile~glow_run.f90->sourcefile~ionization.f90 sourcefile~glow_dummy.f90 glow_dummy.f90 sourcefile~glow_dummy.f90->sourcefile~ionization.f90 sourcefile~gemini.f90 gemini.f90 sourcefile~gemini.f90->sourcefile~multifluid.f90


Source Code

Source Code

module ionize_fang

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: sp=>real32, dp=>real64
use phys_consts, only: wp, kb
implicit none

real(wp), parameter :: deps = 0.035_wp
real(wp), parameter :: erg2kev = 624150648._wp
!! keV, kinetic energy lost per ion-electron pair produced

public :: fang2008, fang2010, gravity_accel, erg2kev


elemental real(wp) function fang2010(Q0_keV, Emono_keV, Tn, massden_gcm3, meanmass_g, g_ms2) result(Qtot)

real(wp), intent(in) :: Q0_keV, Emono_keV, Tn, massden_gcm3, meanmass_g, g_ms2

real(wp) :: y, H_cm, f
integer :: i, j
real(wp), dimension(8) :: C

real(wp), parameter :: P(8,4) = reshape( &
[1.24616_wp,     1.45903_wp,    -2.42269e-1_wp,  5.95459e-2_wp, &
 2.23976_wp,    -4.22918e-7_wp,  1.36458e-2_wp,  2.53332e-3_wp, &
 1.41754_wp,     1.44597e-1_wp,  1.70433e-2_wp,  6.39717e-4_wp, &
 2.48775e-1_wp, -1.50890e-1_wp,  6.30894e-9_wp,  1.23707e-3_wp, &
-4.65119e-1_wp, -1.05081e-1_wp, -8.95701e-2_wp,  1.22450e-2_wp, &
 3.86019e-1_wp,  1.75430e-3_wp, -7.42960e-4_wp,  4.60881e-4_wp, &
-6.45454e-1_wp,  8.49555e-4_wp, -4.28581e-2_wp, -2.99302e-3_wp, &
 9.48930e-1_wp,  1.97385e-1_wp, -2.50660e-3_wp, -2.06938e-3_wp], shape(P), order=[2,1])

!! scale height
!! Equation (2)
H_cm = 100 * kb * Tn / (meanmass_g/1000) / abs(g_ms2)

!! normalized atmospheric column mass
!! Equation (1)
y = 2/Emono_keV * (massden_gcm3 * H_cm / 6e-6_wp)**0.7_wp

!! Equation (5)
C = 0
do i=1,size(P,1)
  do j=1,size(P,2)
    C(i) = C(i) + P(i,j) * log(Emono_keV)**(j-1)
  end do
end do
C = exp(C)

!! Equation (4)
!! Energy deposition "f"
f = C(1)*y**C(2)*exp(-1*C(3)*y**C(4)) + C(5)*y**C(6) * exp(-1*C(7)*y**C(8))

!! Equation (3)
!! total ionization rate "qtot" [cm^-3 s^-1]
Qtot = f * Q0_keV / deps / H_cm

end function fang2010

elemental real(wp) function fang2008(Q0_keV, E0_keV, Tn, massden_gcm3, meanmass_g, g_ms2) result(Qtot)


!! Total Ionization Rate by Precipitating Electrons With a
!! Maxwellian Energy and Isotropic Pitch Angle Distribution

real(wp), intent(in) :: Q0_keV, E0_keV, Tn, massden_gcm3, meanmass_g, g_ms2
!! Q0: [keV cm^-2 s^-1]
!! massden_gcm3: [g cm^-3]
!! meanmass_g: [g]
!! g_ms2: [m s^-2]

real(wp) :: y, H_cm, f
integer :: i, j

real(wp), dimension(8) :: C

real(wp), parameter :: P(8,4) = reshape( &
[3.49979e-1_wp, -6.18200e-2_wp, -4.08124e-2_wp,  1.65414e-2_wp, &
 5.85425e-1_wp, -5.00793e-2_wp,  5.69309e-2_wp, -4.02491e-3_wp, &
 1.69692e-1_wp, -2.58981e-2_wp,  1.96822e-2_wp,  1.20505e-3_wp, &
-1.22271e-1_wp, -1.15532e-2_wp,  5.37951e-6_wp,  1.20189e-3_wp, &
 1.57018_wp,     2.87896e-1_wp, -4.14857e-1_wp,  5.18158e-2_wp, &
 8.83195e-1_wp,  4.31402e-2_wp, -8.33599e-2_wp,  1.02515e-2_wp, &
 1.90953_wp,    -4.74704e-2_wp, -1.80200e-1_wp,  2.46652e-2_wp, &
-1.29566_wp,    -2.10952e-1_wp,  2.73106e-1_wp, -2.92752e-2_wp], shape(P), order=[2,1])

!! Equation (3)
!! scale height
!! kb [m^2 kg s^-2 K^-1]
H_cm = 100 * kb * Tn / (meanmass_g/1000) / abs(g_ms2)
!! H_cm [centimeters]

!! Equation (4)
y = 1 / E0_keV*(massden_gcm3 * H_cm / 4e-6_wp)**(0.606_wp)

!! Equation (7)
C = 0
do i=1,size(P,1)
  do j=1,size(P,2)
    C(i) = C(i) + P(i,j) * log(E0_keV)**(j-1)
  end do
end do
C = exp(C)

!! Equation (6) energy deposition "f"
f = C(1)*y**C(2)*exp(-1*C(3)*y**C(4))+C(5)*y**C(6)*exp(-1*C(7)*y**C(8))

!! Equation (2) total electron impact ionization rate
Qtot = Q0_keV / 2._wp / deps / H_cm * f
!! [cm^-3 s^-1]

end function fang2008

elemental real(wp) function gravity_accel(alt_km)
!! computes gravitational acceleration normal to Earth, where up is positive acceleration
real(wp), intent(in) :: alt_km
gravity_accel = -1 * 6.67408e-11_wp * 5.9722e24_wp / (6371.e3_wp + alt_km*1000)**2
!! [m s^-2]
end function gravity_accel

end module ionize_fang